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File: "Murderball"- release 2c
Author: TheDreadedPyro
Downloads: 716
Description: "Murderball"- release 2c
Size: 1.1MB
Date: 10/04/2002

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Additional Info:
"Murderball"- release 2c
by: TheDreadedPyro

Run to the center and grab the ball.
Keep it as long as you can! You can
go into any of the bases with it, but
everyone will know your location!

You and your team will gain a point for
every 5 seconds you hold the ball.

This map is designed to degenerate
into complete chaos during larger

November 3, 1999
DESCRIPTION: this is pretty much the final release of
Murder Ball for Team Fortress Classic. The only thing I
must warn you about is that, when you are a ball carrier,
sometimes you will not be able to throw grenades. I do
not know why this happens, or how to fix it. I think I
am going to leave it like that, because it just adds to
the ball carrier's vulnerability to enemy players...

I also decided to leave the ball return to the center upon
dropping it... this just adds to the confusion. You should
make sure one of your teammates is out there to stop some
sneaky Scout from grabbing the ball after you've just spent
10 minutes fighting to kill the ball carrier.
Players: 4-20
Single Player: No
Deathmatch: No
Team Fortress Classic: Yes
New Textures: Yes
New Sounds: No
New Models: No

INSTRUCTIONS: place the .bsp and .txt files in the \tfc\maps
subfolder of your Half-Life directory. If you do not have a
\maps subfolder in \tfc, create one.

NOTE: I used func_wall_toggle entities, i_t_g's, info_tfgoals, and
multi_managers to make the blinking arrow signs that appear when
the ball carrier is in a particular base.

The i_t_g triggers the multi_manager, which in turn triggers the
func_wall_toggle at 0 seconds and re-triggers it again at 0.7 seconds.
The multi_manager also triggers an info_tfgoal entity at 1.4 seconds,
and this is set to restore the i_t_g so that the ball carrier can
keep re-activating it as long as he's in the trigger boundaries
(the i_t_g brushes cover the insides of each base completely).

THANKS to: Lobotomy Boy; Karl Gregory Jones; Casey, Dave, Joe,
Jake, Frank, T.J. & Josh; Matt Perkins, who let me use his great "Seeds"
font for level creation (I used it on the base sign textures); the
Info_Beta team; Private Beavis; Maj. Fahkin High; Light's Bane,
everyone else who responded to the forum; and anyone I forgot.

EMAIL me at [email protected] with comments and / or map suggestions.
I don't have a lot of time for map making, but I'll try to answer your
email at least. : )

COMMENTS: Violent video games are just that- video games. They should
not be taken too seriously! Much of the enjoyment from these games
is in constructing the maps themselves... and, of course,
talkin' trash during our highly competitive LAN playtests. Hehe.
Now get out there and get some sunshine!