TFC > Maps > Individual/Unsorted Maps
File: Stowaway league
Author: UncleBRUCE
Downloads: 929
Description: Stowaway league
Size: 829KB
Date: 10/04/2002
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Additional Info:
Stowaway league
CTF style map for Half-Life Team Fortress 1.5 mod
By UncleBRUCE. 22nd April 2001
v 1.1 (league version)
** General information**
Title : Stowaway league
Filename : stowaway_l.bsp
Author : Keith Schoen (UncleBRUCE)
Email : [email protected]
ICQ : 40034742
Web Site :
Description : A small to medium sized CTF
Other maps by this author : No Mans Land
No Mans Land 2
No Mans Land 3
Number of Teams : 2
Recommended # of Players: 16-18
** Map information **
New Textures : none
New Sounds : none
Tools used : Worldcraft 3.3
: Q2BeaVeR compiler front end
: Zoner's compile tools v1.5
Build time : ages
Compile Machine : K7-Athlon Tbird 900Mhz, 448 Megs RAM
Compile time : About 15 mins
** Installation **
Extract all the files from your zip into the "Half-Life" directory.
You should now be able to run this map from your own computer or play on another server which is running the map.
If this does not work, e-mail me at the address above.
** Team information **
Blue team - No class limitations
Red team - No class limitations
** Game Rules **
Objective: Enter the enemy Base and make your way to where their Flag resides in the flag room. Grab it and bring it back to your Battlements. Place it on the raised square to Capture it.
Scoring: 10 points per Capture.
Other Notes: Flag carriers drop the Flag when they die. Dropped flags return to their Base after 60 seconds.
** Additional information **
My third attempt at a decent CTF that is playable in a clan situation. This is a much smaller map than the likes of NML3 and Domination, and the focus is on playability rather than an overall 'theme'. There are two direct routes to the flag, and numerous ways to get into the enemy base. The battlements have been designed to allow you to conc jump straight from one base to the other, to make for a more open, attacking map. The underground tunnels allow access to the enemy base from below, although a detpack will be needed to clear the blockage at the underground entrance to the base. I have included boats in the underground tunnels, these don't really offer any tactical advantage, but they are fun to play about with ;o)
The flag is situated high up at the top level of the base, with access from either the stairs or the lifts. Both teams can use the lifts. The map contains three respawn areas in each base. Two respawn rooms are team specific and can only be used by the base owners, whilst the third area can be used by both teams.
Thanks for downloading, and have fun!
UncleBRUCE (a.k.a. Keith Schoen)
League version ammendments:
This version came about due to the dreaded 'lift bug' and it's affect on clan wars played on this map. People would tend to get stuck on the lifts, making them easy targets. This would effectively not only close down one avenue of attack, but it would also offer an advantage to the other team (until their lift broke down to :oP). The new version includes a switch operated 'air lift' which lifts the player to the upper level by a jet of air. The new version also includes modified grenade bags in an attempt to reduce spamming.
If you have any comments you have regarding any of my maps, please contact me at the above address.
** Special thanks to **
Everyone who helped me with the development of this map, your feedback helped a lot. Thanks also to everyone who pestered me to get the map finished after six months :)
Thanks to clan [TA], and Gameplay for the use of their servers during beta testing.
Thanks to [PVC]TUBBY_BOY for suggesting the name for the map (happy now tubbs? :oP)
** Revision history **
beta 1:
* Original version
beta 2
* Fixed sticky water bug
* Removed boat sound
* Raised sky in outdoor area to allow concing from 1 base to the other
* Reduced delay on respawn doors opening
* Added ladders from boat areas, and out of the river
* Minor texture fixes
* Minor texture fixes
* Water transparency in the main area removed (to reduce lag)
* Some of the lens flare effects removed (to reduce lag)
* Various 'snagging points' fixed
* Added detpack blockages to the caves
* Grenade bag modifications to cut down on spamming
* Buggy lift replaced
You MUST NOT distribute this level UNLESS you INCLUDE THIS FILE WITH
Authors MAY NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels.
This BSP may be distributed ONLY over the Internet and/or BBS systems.
You are NOT authorized to put this BSP on any CD or distribute it in any way without my permission.