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File: Raiden7 - Capture The Flag
Author: NeonLight
Downloads: 50
Description: Raiden7 - Capture The Flag
Size: 2.7MB
Date: 03/09/2023

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Additional Info:
Raiden7 - Capture The Flag
A Mix of Raiden_l2 and Raiden3

Get the enemy flag, return it to your base.
Defend your flag.

Scoring: 10 points per Capture.
2 extra points for Coast-to-Coast Capture.
10 points for Hidden Capture Point. Try and find it!

Original Mapping by: ULIBOH
Remade and Revamped by: NeonLight

Thanks : ULIBOH for the great map
inhouse crew for testing


Properly flipped map
Adjusted some textures and lighting
Made Grenade Bag in Respawns Medic only
Added Bag Info on Pickup

Adjusted Back Way ladder into Flag Room (straight instead of angled)
Changed Water texture
Added Wheaties plaque hes been asking for :)

Reduced Blue resupply grenade bag contents (0|1)
Removed Red resupply grenade bags
Changed Water texture

Moved Top Ramp Room bag to back right corner
Narrowed Battlements to Top Ramp Room hallway
Added side rails to Engineer lift
Added skylight to blue spawns
Backway pit barrel deals minimal damage allowing for easier escape
Various texture and lighting fixes/changes

Reverted Top Ramp Room to even flooring and square holes
Adjusted ladders from Ramp Room to top Ramp Room
Changed Engineer ladder to Engineer lift
Adjusted plank to have slightly more health (1750 -> 2000)
Various texture and lighting fixes

Fixed Engy Ladder

Fixed messed up floor in top Ramp Room
Adjusted ladders from Ramp Room to top Ramp Room
Changed Water Way exit room
Raised Water shoop button
Moved a few lights
Fixed misaligned textures

Fixed lighting error in top ramproom
Changed skybox and environment lighting
Added trims to spawns
Added skylight to spawns
Changed lighting around flag
Removed various small lights
Fixed water way textures
Removed excess spawns (30 per team to 16 per team)
Changed secret cap sound ( if you have the file :) )
Changed team emblem on the Flag Room ceiling to illusionary so you cna go through it

Fixed crash glitch

Widened side walkways in top Ramp Room
Trimmed ramps in top Ramp Room for easier visualization
Made top ladders platform flush with the bridge in top Ramp Room

Changed top Ramp Room layout
Fixed misaligned textures
Added more environment lights to back way
Halfed backway bridge health

Adjusted top bag, 45h 75a 15s respawn