Team Fortress File Factory
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These are programs that exist outside of the game that allow you to additional things such as viewing models and finding servers.
TFC > Utilities > Pak/GCF tools
Showing 1-3 of 3 files in this section. Sorting by date descending.
File  AuthorDownloadsDateFile Size
gcfscape175.exe [more info] - GCFScape v1.7.5   NEMESIS 13629 03/12/2010 429KB
Allows a user to open and view the contents of GCF and VPK (Valve/Steam) files. Latest version as of December 12th, 2009. [more info] - PakScape v0.11   Riv 1872 11/27/2002 106KB
PakScape is a PAK/PK3/VOL explorer/creator. [more info] - PakExplorer v1.12   Ashley Bone 1917 10/04/2002 84KB
This utility allows you to view the contents of any .pak file. It has an easy to use interface, much like that of Windows Explorer. It also allows you to export/import. Has a minor problem with long file names.